Cherry wall and security desk, Regency Plaza lobby, Denver Tech Center. By Colorado Artisan Group.
Click on image to enlarge.
Shop drawings for lobby and gallery walls, Regency Plaza, DTC.
Regency Plaza lobby and gallery wall drawings.
Regency Plaza lobby and gallery wall drawings.
Lobby security desk, Regency Plaza, Denver Tech Center. By Colorado Artisan Group.
Click on image to enlarge.
Shop drawings for lobby security desk, Regency Plaza, DTC.
Regency Plaza Security Desk drawings.
Regency Plaza Security Desk drawings.
Regency Plaza Security Desk drawings.
Regency Plaza Security Desk drawings.
Cherry and figured maple kitchen, by Caprock Design.
Click on image to enlarge.
Shop drawings for cherry and figured maple kitchen.
Cherry and figured maple kitchen drawings.
Cherry and figured maple kitchen drawings.
Cherry and figured maple kitchen drawings.
Cherry and figured maple kitchen drawings.
Study bookcases and writing desk, cherry and quilted maple, by Caprock Design.
Photo by Tim Murphy/
Click on image to enlarge.
Shop drawings for study bookcases.
Study bookcase drawings.
Study bookcase drawings.
Black/White Kitchen, by Caprock Design. Design by Sandra Demien Knecht.
Click on image to enlarge.
Drawings for Black/White Kitchen.
Black/White Kitchen drawings.
Main stairway, Hutchinson Black and Cook, LLC, Boulder CO. Millwork engineering by Blake Cannon at European Finish, Inc. Design by Garth Braun Associates, P.C. Photo by Benko Photography.
Main stairway and second floor landing, Hutchinson Black and Cook, LLC, Boulder CO. Millwork engineering by Blake Cannon at European Finish, Inc. Design by Garth Braun Associates, P.C. Photo by Benko Photography.
I have produced high quality woodwork for over 30 years and bring that knowledge and experience to the engineering of your projects. I use AutoCAD, and as you provide digital or hard copy samples of representative shop drawings, I will match your drawing standards and construction methods. If you have block references in use in your own drafting department that are unique to your style of construction, I am happy to use those files.
I take pride in producing shop drawings that go through the submittal process and on to your shop floor with minimal revisions. Open and clear communication with you will allow me to function as part of your staff, and produce drawings that streamline your project management and production.